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Supercharge react.js with reactivity
✔ Performant ✔ Composable ✔ Concise ✔ Powerful proxy based reactivity


Create components bound to reactive data which only renders when necessary. No more redundant re-renders! This also provides a better debugging experience.

Local component state with closures

Reactive component definition creates a closure that will be created only one time which makes it perfect place to define state, callbacks or any kind of local variable to be used in the renderer. No need for dependency arrays, useMemo, useCallback etc.

Composable and concise

Reactive allows composing reactive statements and functions to create reusable logic to be shared not only in component but anywhere in your codebase. Embracing mutations it also provides a concise way to update your state ensuring an optimized component rendering.

Reactive components

By taking advantage of reactivity, Reactive introduces a new way of defining functional components based on closures which is a natural way of creating a state for a function, addressing many of the mental complexity brought by functional components with hooks api.

Ordinary Functional components are supported as well.

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